News Archive

04 Jul 2024
New article by DRYvERians was published in Limnology and Oceanography LettersCheck it here!
05 Mar 2024
The recording of the 5th webinar is available on YouTube!
06 Feb 2024
The recording of the 4th webinar is available on YouTube!
16 Jan 2024
The 5th DRYvER newsletter was sent out! Check it out here!
13 Dec 2023
The recording of the 3rd webinar is available on YouTube!
27 Nov 2023
The 3rd DRYvER webinar will take place on December 13, 11:00-12:00. Topic: "Predicting changes in ecosystem functions in DRNs." Register here!
22 Nov 2023
The recording of the 2nd webinar is available on YouTube!
14 Nov 2023
The 2nd DRYvER webinar is tomorrow (15/11/2023)! Register here!
06 Nov 2023
The recording of the 1st webinar is available on YouTube!
09 Jun 2023
The fourth call for DRYvER STSM is open between 09 June and 02 July 2023, and it supports STSMs planned between 01 October 2023 and 29 February 2024.
15 Apr 2023
What is a drying river network? A brief and informative factsheet is now available for download!
11 Jan 2023
The 3rd newsletter of DRYvER has been sent out! Read it here!
02 Dec 2022
UP tweeted: All European DRYvER macroinvertebrate samples have been sorted, identified, and all datasets are finalized.
01 Sep 2022
The second call for DRYvER STSM is open between 01-30 September 2022. It will support STSMs planned between 01/11/2022 and 31/03/2023.
08 Aug 2022
100% of DRYvER macroinvertebrate samples are now sorted! The identification is also making good progress. Most of the main invertebrate groups are processed at 80-90%. Check out the counters here.
28 Jun 2022
The 3rd Consortium Meeting of DRYvER is taking place in Lyon, France!

14 Feb 2022
The 2nd DRYvER newsletter is out now, and it can be read online on the website, and there is a .pdf version.
07 Feb 2022
The first call for DRYvER STSM is open between 07/02/2022 and 14/03/2022. It will support STSMs planned between 01/06/2022 and 30/09/2022.
06 Jan 2022
A Postdoc position in freshwater ecology in DRYvER is open at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia. Application deadline: 24/01/2022.
06 Dec 2021
Another two (4th and 5th) articles have also been published by DRYvER members, one in the journal Ecohydrology (Sarremejane et al. 2021), and the other in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Cid et al. 2021).
03 Dec 2021
The WP3 team led by Rubén del Campo has now officially finished all 3 fieldwork campaigns in Croatia and Hungary! 
24 Nov 2021
All WP2 samplings are now over in the Czech Republic!
16 Nov 2021
Croatian WP2 team has finished all sampling campaigns!
03 Nov 2021
The last sampling campaign of the Finnish WP2 team is now over!
14 Sep 2021
There goes the 3rd one! Crabot J, Mondy CP, Usseglio-Polatera P, et al. A global perspective on the functional responses of stream communities to flow intermittence. Ecography (2021).
09 Sep 2021
The second DRYvER releated article was published! Blackman RC, Altermatt F, Foulquier A, et al. Unlocking our understanding of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams with genomic tools. Front Ecol Environ (2021).
16 Jul 2021
The first DRYvER newsletter was sent out. You can read more by clicking here.
16 Jun 2021
The first DRYvER releated article was published! Messager ML, Lehner B, Cockburn C, et al. Global prevalence of non-perennial rivers and streams. Nature 594, 391–397 (2021).
07 May 2021
The past 2 days, DRYvER joined the BiodivERsA Partnership clustering event to discuss joint opportunities with 21 funded projects for protecting biodiversity under climate change.
17 Apr 2021
A short summary together with a lot of photos and videos of the first sampling campaign of WP2 and WP3 is now available on the website. See more here.
12 Mar 2021
In January/February, the first samplings have started at the focal case study sites! Croatia, Ecuador, Hungary, and Spain are done, 5 to go. Reports and pics are coming soon!
10 Mar 2021
The DRYvER project was presented to the local environmental NGOs in the Spanish case study site (Genal River) for the first time. Find out more here.
07 Jan 2021
In 2021 meet the DRYvER at Virtual meetings’ Special Sessions: SFS in May, ASLO in June, SEFS in July!
12 Dec 2020
First Steering Committee meeting was held to follow up the past and discuss the next months. Principle outcome: a lot to do but project goes as planned.
05 Dec 2020
DRYvER host a special session at ASLO Virtual meeting, 22-27 June 2021! Registration will open at the end of January. Go for SS19! 
02 Dec 2020
DRYvER host a special session at SEFS12, July 25-30, 2021 (online)! Registration and abstract submission is already open. Go for SS14! 
01 Dec 2020
DRYvER Website has officially started!
08 Oct 2020
Kick-Off meeting was held in October as an online meeting with a purpose to launch DRYvER, provide a global overview, and point out the next steps.